Nike Cachaña

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The Cachaña is a football ball (Nike Ordem) manufactured by Nike. It is the official match ball for the 2015 Copa America. This ball is designed with white as its main appearance featured with blue and red applications, representing the host nation Chile. The colours of the Chilean flag make a statement in the design of this ball: the red representing the people, the blue symbolizing the Chilean sky, and the white for the Andes that so strongly define the geography of this country.
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The Cachaña is a football ball (Nike Ordem) manufactured by Nike. It is the official match ball for the 2015 Copa America. This ball is designed with white as its main appearance featured with blue and red applications, representing the host nation Chile. The colours of the Chilean flag make a statement in the design of this ball: the red representing the people, the blue symbolizing the Chilean sky, and the white for the Andes that so strongly define the geography of this country.

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